Thursday 12 September 2013

Sinner Thursdays - Chewy, Gooey Marshmallow and Nutella Cookies

I think the whole world knows by now just how much I LOVE Nutella. In fact, give me a spoon and a pot of Nutella and I'm a very, very happy bunny indeed. I will eat it like yoghurt.

A while ago, I posted a recipe for brilliant 3 Ingredient Nutella Cookies - easy to whip up, simple to bake and perfect for indulging in your cravings.

However, now I decided to go one step better. You see, I had a bag of marshmallows just sitting in my cupboard and begging to be used. So, naturally, I decided to pop a marshmallow in the middle of the cookies as they baked.

nutella cookies

marshmallow cookies

The result? Well, I think the pictures speak for themselves. These Chewy, Gooey Marshmallow and Nutella Cookies are delicious. With a soft marshmallow and Nutella centre, and a white chocolate coating, they are pretty darn decadent. But then, we all deserve to be spoiled, don't we?

Start to finish, these take less than 15 minutes to make. Probably not a good thing when they're this addictive...

Sam x

P.S If you are looking for other Nutella recipes, don't even hesitate to make Nigella Lawson's Nutella Cheesecake. It is the BEST!


marshmallow and chocolate

(Makes 12)
280g Nutella (click here for a homemade recipe)
140g plain flour
One egg
Extra Nutella, for stuffing
6 large marshmallows, cut in half
White chocolate, to decorate (optional)


1) Preheat the oven to 180 C, then grease and line two baking trays.

2) In a mixing bowl, beat together the Nutella and egg, then stir in the flour until well combined. Don't worry, the mixture is quite thick!

3) Using a teaspoon, roll half of the dough into balls, then dollop onto the prepared trays and flatten the cookies with the palm of your hand. Blob spoonfuls of nutella into the flattened cookies, then press the marshmallow halves on top.

4) Next, roll the rest of your dough into balls, then sandwich on top of the marshmallow cookies, sealing the sides up with your hands. Bake for 6 - 8 minutes, then serve slightly warm and gooey.

chewy gooey cookies