Thursday 12 September 2013

Get Your Rave On With Sweaty Betty's FREE Workouts

Now, I have never been a dancer.

As much as I would love to be long and lithe, elegant and graceful, I never have been, never will be. Instead, I am clumsy, a bit of a tomboy and basically an all-round klutz.

However, the wonderful girls at Sleek Technique transformed my view of dancing and, honestly, I now love it. LOVE it. Although I'll never glide around, swan-like and attracting envious stares from across the room, I do enjoy getting my groove on.

So you can imagine my delight when Sweaty Betty's glorious package arrived on my doorstep. Inviting me to "Get my rave on", it was filled with delights...

There were glow sticks (my son quickly snaffled those), a beautiful neon SB vest and a brilliant workout DVD. You see, throughout September, Sweaty Betty is giving us ladies a chance to work out for free. Yes, for FREE!

sweaty betty gym gear

Giving customers and other fitties the chance to enjoy a new dance class called 'Frame Rave', there will be free classes held at Sweaty Betty boutiques across the UK. But fret not, if you don't live near one of the stores, then you can rave to one of the live streamed classes right here. 

The classes are an exciting, energy-thumping mix of aerobic exercises and dance moves, set in a club-style atmosphere. Sweaty, exhausting, yet ridiculously fun, you can enjoy a 45 minute workout completely for free!

So, is it fun?
sweaty betty

Hell YES! As part of my amazing little parcel, Sweaty Betty sent me a 45 minute rave workout to test.
Oh yes, I got my rave on, in my living room - and I didn't care who saw (my son did, actually, and I think he thought I had gone insane).

My favourite part? Shaking my booty like Beyonce (or at least, that's how I looked in my head. In reality, I looked like I was having a fit) and then 'free styling' around my living room, so ridiculously happy and deliriously that I stood, fist pumping, in my front window.

My inner rock goddess also loved the moshing part of the DVD. I could happily do it again and again and again...

Anyway, I urge you all to give this fun-filled workout a go! After all, what have you got to lose?


A still jigging Sam x