Monday 16 September 2013

Getting a Fast-Fix Glow With Elemis' Face Masks

Last month, my son suddenly morphed into a nightmare sleeper.

Long gone were the days of 14 hours of undisturbed, blissful laziness. Instead, every night come 2 or 3am, and we got a screaming, hysterical and utterly unconsolable child.

For an entire month, I survived on a few snatched hours of sleep per night, and I have honestly never looked worse. My skin turned a horrible shade of Zombie, my eye bags were less suitcases and more entire storage units, and my hair...well, let's just say I could not be bothered.

I looked like a bag lady. A crazy, bewildered bag lady.

Thankfully (touch wood), we seem to have turned the corner as he is now back to his lazy self. However, I just wanted to share with you the miraculous Elemis face masks which were the ONLY things during this time which could make me look vaguely human.

Elemis Fruit Active Rejuvenating Mask

Since then, the anti-ageing wonders of the Elemis Papaya Enzyme Peel and the Fruit Active Rejuvenating Mask have become my beauty saviours. On my worst days, I would pop these on in the morning, jump in the shower and step out with glowy, utterly transformed skin.

Yes, really.

I was like a new, reborn woman.

If I had to pick between the two, then the award-winning Fruit Active Mask would be my absolute favourite. Stuffed with active extracts of super fruits kiwi and strawberry, the mask is an intensive treatment which helps to restore the glow to dull complexions.

The smell itself is deliciously light and fruity and, after 15 minutes, it left my skin velvety soft and smooth. It made a fantastic base for my make-up as it evened out my blotchy skin tone a treat, while the glow was brilliantly restored.

I was instantly left looking younger, fresher and radiant - all in all, the perfect skin treat. And the perfect preparation for a big occasion!

The Elemis Fruit Active Rejuvenating Mask costs £28 and is available to buy from here.

Sam x