Thursday 1 August 2013

Sinner Thursdays - Tunnocks Teacake Brownie Bites

Recently, I have found myself spending a lot of time thinking about Tunnocks Tea Cakes. Probably too much time.

The problem is, ever since I wrote this post about Nikki McWilliams' fabulous range of biscuit cushions, I’ve been craving the gooey, chocolatey, marshmallowy wonderfulness of Tunnocks.

So, in my obsession-clouded state of mind, I spent the whole of last week (yes, really) mulling over how I could incorporate them into baking - did I make teacake cupcakes, or teacake s’mores? Maybe even teacake cheesecake.

i am into this recipe

But then, out of nowhere, this fab recipe for Mallomar brownies winged its way into my inbox. It was like fate. Suddenly excited, I thought why not just adapt my fave Brownie recipe (Lorraine Pascale’s fabulously rich and gooey Oreo Brownie, incase you were wondering) and top it with a Teacake?

Anyway, I am so glad I did just that because, boy, are these Tunnocks Teacake Brownie Bites good! Exceedingly good, in fact. So good that there won’t be a single crumb left to share.

baking recipe

Have you got any genius recipe adaptations? Please share them with us!

Sam x


bake, recipe


(Makes 12)
165g butter, at room temperature
200g dark chocolate, broken into small chunks
3 eggs
2 egg yolks
2 tsp vanilla extract
165g soft light brown sugar
2tbsp plain flour
1tbsp cocoa
Pinch salt
12 Tunnocks teacakes


1) Preheat the oven to 180C, then melt the butter in a pan over a medium heat. When the butter has melted, remove the pan from the heat and add the chocolate. Leave to stand for a few minutes, then stir together until melted and gooey.

2) Whisk the eggs, egg yolks and vanilla together in a large bowl until the eggs begin to get light and fluffy. Now add the sugar in two additions, whisking between each, but be sure to pour it around the side of the egg mix so as not to knock out the air. Keep whisking until the mixture becomes stiffer. Once the egg mixture is ready, pour the chocolate into it - again around the sides so as not to knock the air out. 

brownie bites

3) Add the flour, cocoa powder and salt, then line a muffin tray with silicone cases and pour the mixture into each case. Bake in the oven for 18 minutes - your brownies should be nearly cooked by this stage. Remove from the oven, then flatten the centre of each one with a spoon. Press the teacakes into the centre of every Brownie, then place back in the oven for a final two minutes.

4) Leave to cool slightly, then eat! YUM.

tunnocks teacake