Monday 29 April 2013

Almond Power - Dr Hauschka's Almond Body Moisturiser

Ever since making the switch from regular milk to almond milk, I feel like my body has reaped the rewards. In fact, just a week in, and I was noticing a difference.

You see, almond milk is rich in vitamins A, D and E and also calcium and iron too. It's even been shown to help boost weight loss, maintain better heart health and help our eyes to function properly.

All that may be great, but the biggest difference? Well, the biggest difference of all has been to my skin.

I know it may be old news to long-term almond devotees, but since I started using the white stuff, my skin has been a lot clearer and brighter. The spots which I had assumed were hormonal have faded, the bags under my eyes are disappearing, and everything just looks a lot fresher!

That Vitamin E works wonders, hey ladies?

Anyway, it got me wondering about almond milk in body products. Because we all want super soft, sexy limbs, right?

I am a long-term lover of all things Dr Hauschka, so I was delighted that they have their very own almond products - a super rich Almond Body Moisturiser, and an Almond Body Wash, which is out next month.

Dr Hauschka's Almond Body Moisturiser is far and away the best body lotion I have ever used. It is absolutely sumptuous! Containing almond oil and soothing St John's Wort, it smoothes dry and sensitive skin a treat.

In fact, it completely banished my scaly, wintery legs and left them glowing. Bring on the summer dresses!

In applied it every night before bed and woke up to find my skin was still gorgeously soft and supple. I could even smell the gorgeous almonds on me 24 hours later...pure luxury.

Costing £22.95, this is one product I will be re-ordering again and again and again.

If the almond milk and Hauschka's body lotion are anything to go by, I am a firm believer in nut power. Who knew?!

Sam x