Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Dahliana's Miracle Beauty Peel

While regular readers will know just how much I love my superfoods, I've never been so far as to put spirulina (that delightful, algae-green powder) on my face before.

In fact, it had never even occurred to me. Why would I slather myself in a deep green goo, voluntarily making myself look like a swamp monster?

Of course, there's a first for everything - and there's also the added bonus that I've discovered a spriunlina-based face product that's not even green. Not even a little!

Meet ABW's newest and most delightful addition to their natural beauty emporium - Dahliana's 30 Second Beauty Rescue, aka the Intensive Flash Peel, aka the most incredible, youth-boosting peel I've ever had the pleasure to come across.

As someone with fairly sensitive skin, I was excited to read that this is billed as Dahliana’s (those of the most wonderfully nurturing, natural beauty products) natural, vegan alternative to chemical peels. Super creamy and full of nourishing, beauty-loving ingredients such as coconut, spirulina, peppermint and vanilla, this small pot promised me fresher, younger looking skin in seconds. Why would I hold back...?

For a treatment that works in just 30 seconds (perfect for any frazzled working mums, like me!), it really packs a punch. In fact, this anti-ageing wonder promises extraordinary results - and, boy, does it deliver!

Once a month, you simply massage onto a freshly-washed face, leave for 30 to 60 seconds, depending on your skin sensitivity, then wash off. Et voila - instantly transformed, fresher looking skin! Clever, huh?

This amazingly powerful treatment can also tighten pores (goodbye potholes), lighten dark spots, deeply exfoliate and hydrate, and boost collagen. What's not to love...?

You can buy Dahliana's miracle treatment at A Beautiful World from today. I'll race you to the checkout!

Sam x