Thursday 18 June 2015

Strawberries and Cream Protein Ice Lollies

Sometimes, when the weather is hot and humid, all you want to do is wrap your mouth round a delicious, juicy lolly.

Eating ice lollies in the summer sun has to be one of life's greatest simple pleasures. It makes me instantly happy - and instantly refreshed.

These Strawberries and Cream Protein Ice Lollies took just seconds to whip up, yet they've worked a treat in this week's humidity. Great at cooling me down and refreshing me mid-afternoon when you feel all sweaty and yucky. The toddler has also proven to be addicted!

Strawberry protein lollies

I made these by using a few products I had been sent by some lovely companies - Drink Wahta and Love Your Blender. However, they are so easy to adapt to whatever flavours you like, and you can use whatever's handy in your fridge too.

I hope you enjoy!

Sam x


Strawberries and cream ice lollies

(Makes 6 lollies)

250g fresh, ripe strawberries
100ml Drink Wahta (you could also use coconut water)
50g Total Greek Yoghurt
1 scoop strawberry protein powder
1 tbsp coconut nectar
1 sachet Love Your Blender Cherry Rose (optional, but delicious)

1) Blitz together all ingredients in a high-powered blender until smooth. Pour into ice lolly moulds, then place in the freezer to set.

2) Remove from the freezer five or so minutes before you want to eat, then enjoy!