Tuesday 6 August 2013

Saintly Tuesdays - Raw Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge

This Raw Chocolate Hazelnut Fudge caused quite a stir when I posted pics on Twitter last week.

And for good reason too. I mean, how yummy does it look?

chocolate hazelnut fudge

An easy, no-cook fudge that you can whip up in minutes, this is an intense chocolatey hit that will satisfy any sweet toothed cravings.

Created without using any refined sugars and made with coconut oil (oh, you all know how addicted I am!) and raw almond butter, this is a pretty guilt-free indulgence.

I adapted this from The Sweet Life, but then spotted that the fab Oh She Glows has pretty much the same recipe too. So I am in good company indeed!

chocolate fudge recipe

The hazelnuts can easily be left out, but I think they add great texture and crunch. Oh, and hazelnuts and chocolate always reminds me of Nutella, which can only be a good thing...

Sam x

P.S If you want an extra chocolatey treat, try topping with a healthier ganache - simply mix my 3 Ingredient Chocolate with a splash of almond milk and off you go!


(Adapted from The Sweet Life)

raw chocolate


100g coconut oil, softened but not melted
65g almond or peanut butter
60g unsweetened cocoa powder
170g honey or other liquid sweetener of choice
1 tbsp vanilla extract
Pinch salt
Large handful hazelnuts


1) Using a handheld electric whisk, beat together the coconut oil and almond butter until combined. Slowly add the cocoa powder and continue to beat until combined.

2) Next, pour in the honey, vanilla and salt and process until smooth and lump-free. Stir in the nuts.

3) Pour into a lined tin - I used a loaf tin - then freeze until solid. Cut into squares and keep in the fridge until ready to enjoy!