Sunday 4 August 2013

Our July - A Month in the Life of I Am Into This

Wow, how is it August already? We don't know about you guys, but July has whizzed by for us! 

July saw poor old Teresa hospitalised with four slipped discs and me holidaying in the glorious St Ive's. Yep, rather eventful really.

Here's a glimpse of what we have been up to…..

Sam & Teresa xx


If you haven't been to St Ives before, I could not recommend it enough - it is a truly beautiful place and I fell absolutely in love. 

Here are a few of my snaps from July, I hope you like them! 

A family portrait...

i am into this, post

Scorching summer sun has meant Zayn and I have had a lot of fun splashing around in the paddling pool!

paddling pool

The beautiful Kynance Cove in Cornwall - one of the most breathtaking spots for a cafe I've ever seen!

i am into this holiday

Who would believe that this was England?

sunny sky

The best thing about Cornwall? Cream teas!

yellow dress

Oh, not forgetting pasties the size of my face too...

orange dress

And to balance out all that grub? I found these amazing Raw Chocolate Pies...

raw chocolate

Having cuddles with my gorgeous boy.


My best friends and I headed out for a girly night. I lasted til 2 before I just wanted pizza and bed...

chanel bag

This restaurant name had me chuckling.

i am into this


Well, it's fair to say July probably goes down as one of the worst months I have had in a long time. But I refuse to get down about it and will remain positive throughout my morphine induced hazy days. I was meant to have gone on holiday with my family and friends to a splendid cottage in Snowdonia, Wales, but my hospital stay put an end to that long-anticipated family break.

My family didn't want to go on the holiday without me but I insisted they still went and enjoyed themselves and requested they sent me lots of photos of everything they did each day so I could share their fun with them. During the holiday it was also my son Max's 12th birthday and this was going to be the first time I was not able to celebrate it with him. Thank goodness for technology because we made good use of Skype and did our best to share the time together.

Please note that all of my photos for this month will have been taken on a phone, no fancy Canon camera taking here.

Here's a look at what I enjoyed in July:

The holiday was based near Dolgellau in a cottage at the foot of Cadair Idris, which is the second most popular mountain to climb in Wales due to the stunning views. We love our climbing and my children and dogs love getting wet and muddy!

cadair idris
Here's Max beginning his ascent 
cadair idris lake
On Cadair Idris is a lake which is apparently bottomless
Chico cadair idris
My friend Karen's dog Chico having a well earned break at the top of Cadair Idris. Chico was only rescued a few months ago, he had been used as a stud for a breeder who hadn't cared for him very well. He was in  a very poor condition, but now look at him, happiest boy ever!
wales beach
They enjoyed sunny weather all week and spent a lot of time at this beach. We don't believe Wales is ever wet because whenever we go it is always hot and sunny. Photo taken by my son Charlie. 
wales sea
Here's Olivia and Charlie cooling off in the sea. Think it may have been too cold for Charlie.
kites flying
On an evening walk they spotted all of these kites . Photo taken by Charlie on his phone.
teddy dog, poodle mix
Here's my pup Teddy, (also a rescue dog) enjoying the coolness of sitting in the shade. 
max birthday asleep
After a birthday spent on the beach followed by a slap up meal in a fancy restaurant Max is zonked out.
climbing Mount Snowdon
No holiday in Wales is complete without climbing Mount Snowdon. It was a very hot day but they managed to get to the top in 2hrs 7 minutes.
dogs resting mount snowdon
Here's my miniature schnauzer Woody and Teddy taking a rest half way up Mount Snowdon. 
children mount snowdon
And back down again….

One thing which brought a massive smile to my face was the kindness of my family and friends, I cannot thank them enough, especially my parents, my mother-in-law Jean, wonderful friends Sam, Louise, Jacqui and Karen. They all pulled together and have helped my children, my husband and me tremendously. Whether it be having my dogs to stay for a week, my children staying over, to-ing and fro-ing from the hospital and all of the lovely cards and gifts - they have been incredible. You really do realise what a great support network you have got when things like this happen.

yellow roses
These yellow roses certainly brightened up my day

Sam brought me lots of her baking goodies which you will have seen the recipes for on here, check out the BAKE page above and see all of her latest recipes. I can vouch they are incredible, the healthy peanut butter cups are beyond words.

Much nicer than the meals which the NHS rustle up….
hospital food
This is pasta with smoked haddock - yuck!
hospital bed
This pic probably makes hospital look quite depressing, well it is depressing, but I did meet some wonderful ladies who told me some amazing stories. My favourite lady was Evelyn, she was 101 years old and absolutely hilarious.
freddy cat cuddles
After leaving hospital I moved in with my parents for a few weeks (they've got a bungalow so much easier to get around). Here's Freddy their beautiful cat who lay cuddling with me most days.

Not only did I receive cards and gifts from family and friends but some of the fab beauty companies sent me a few delights to cheer me up too. I'd like to say a massive thank you to Bodhi, Organic Burst, Ancienne Ambiance, Dr Hauschka and Balmology I have been using all of the products you have sent me and enjoying pampering myself.
dr hauschka foot balm
I was sent this fabulous foot balm from Dr Hauschka, thank you ! It has been my saviour for my achy feet, especially when they puffed up in the heat.
organic burst spirulina
I have been making myself a drink with this everyday and I am sure it has helped to keep me clear-headed. The amount of drugs I am taking it is nice to know I am putting some goodness in too. 

Whilst, staying with my parents I was looked after so well, my mum was incredible, bless her. She didn't mind getting up to me in the middle of the night when I was in pain and her kindness never wavered. I could actually cry thinking about how amazing she is; I love her to bits.

Since I have now returned back to my home my son Charlie presented me with a gift from the holiday in Wales. He bought me another gnome; I don't know why my children buy me gnomes, but nevertheless it makes me chuckle every time I get one.

garden gnome, windmill
What shall I call him? All of my other gnomes have got names.

I haven't been able to go to the shops but my husband Steve did take me out on a short trip in a wheelchair the other day. I spied this mug and I had to have it. It's the most hideous looking thing I have ever seen, who would want a mug with an ugly cat adorning it? Me, that's who.
cat mug,
This cat looks quite peed off doesn't he?

Teresa xx