Wednesday 24 July 2013

Wedding Guest Lists - Do Or Don’t?

The country hotel is booked and you’ve got a spectacular, floral printed summer dress hanging ready in your wardrobe. In fact, your bank card may be ready to spontaneously combust, but you’re even considering buying those fabulous sky-high court shoes you’ve been eyeing up all year. In fact, you’re definitely going to buy them - you need them, after all.

So, £400 later and you’re almost ready for your friend’s wedding. You’re going to look a knockout, and you can’t wait to celebrate her big day.

Except, with a moan, you suddenly remember something: the wedding gift. Oh God. The spending isn’t over, and neither is the stress...

Sounds all too familiar, doesn’t it? This happens to me about three times a year, and results in a mini meltdown each and every single time. I don’t know about you, but wedding gift buying is the one shopping experience I really, truly hate. And I mean really HATE.

On the one hand, I want to buy the couple something special which reminds them of their big day and they’ll treaure forever. Yet the other side to me is reluctant to spend yet even more cash on someone else’s wedding. I can’t be alone, can I?

Thankfully, the ever-growing popularity of wedding gift lists makes my life much, much easier and takes much of the stress away. All you have to do is log on to the gift list and pray that no one else has purchased those Crystal champagne flutes before you.

Anyway, not only do wedding guests mean that the happy couple won’t end up with three toasters and six ivory photo albums, but they also give you the chance to figure out a budget. Far nicer than sticking £20 in an envelope and hoping you don’t look like a Scrooge, right?

In fact, I used a gift list for my own wedding and made sure there were items to cover every budget. Yup, I even added egg cups at £2 each so that no one felt too much pressure...

And to help make your life even easier, we have exclusive use of Fever Design’s new wedding list infographic, which will give you an idea of how much to spend, as well as what other guests will be snapping up.

Makes for pretty interesting reading, doesn't it? I'm also pretty darn jealous that the guest who bought an iMac wasn't at my wedding, although perhaps the ones who purchased edible glue for icing can steer clear...

So, with average gift list items costing £32.93, we think that actually makes for a pretty good wedding gift budget.

What do you think to wedding guest lists? Are they a do, or are they a don’t? And how much do you think you should spend?

Sam x

Please note, this is a featured post.