Wednesday 5 June 2013

Enjoying Guilt-Free Shopping

Now that the sun has finally got his hat on, we've been embracing our inner beach goddesses. For the past few days, we have been floating around in our beloved printed maxis and colour pop jeans and oversize tees.

But since you know about much we love our shopping, we can't help but lust after lots of new items. Pretty summer dresses, fierce sandals, amazing sunnies. Problem is, we aren't the millionaires we need to be to get everything we covet.

Instead, here's how we will be saving up to buy it all. How will you be funding your summer holiday wardrobe?

Sam and Teresa x


This week, I just can't seem to get quite as excited about pulling on my summer dresses as I used to. Why? Well, I'm wearing the same dresses I wore during my Uni days for starters - I am in desperate need of a summer refresh. I'll use any excuse to justify a shopping spree, but with my family holiday just 3 weeks away, I need new clothes and I need 'em now!

Besides, since spending last summer heavily pregnant and spending all my days in this tube dress, I need a treat this year, right ladies?

Anyway, since all most (a girl needs her shoes!) of my earnings go on Zayn, I decided to make the most of our study, which resembles the world's messiest jumble sale, by selling bits and bobs to add to my summer wardrobe.

Top of my list to sell was hubby's HUMUNGOUS collection of CDs and DVDs. Seriously, the guy hoards like no one else - when we moved house two years ago, I had to throw out our third plate set behind our back. He wanted to hang on to it incase our unborn children needed it for Uni...

After doing some research, I decided to sell all our unused and unwanted CDs and DVDs through the fab decluttering site Music Magpie. Thanks to this service (which includes courier pick-up, so you don't even need to leave home!), I've found my holiday clothes kitty is £200 better off. So I'll be using it to buy these Gianvito Rossi beauties, courtesy of Net-a-Porter.

Or perhaps this fab printed sundress from Vineet Bahl...

Oh, heck. Forget £200, what I really need is a lottery win!


There are many items I covet and I don't mind that I cannot afford everything. If I really want something then I will be resourceful. I am pretty savvy when it comes to making a buck or two. I am not one for hoarding so as soon as I have finished with something then I either recycle it, bin it or sell it on.

I have regular decluttering sessions of my wardrobes, my childrens' bedrooms and the kitchen. I cannot stand jam-packed cupboards where you are having to sift through tightly packed together clothes.

I have found some items sell better through different means. If I am selling anything which is popular and a very desirable brand then I will sell via eBay. If it is any kitchenwares and non-desirable brand of clothing then I shall flog these at my local car boot. I was very dubious about doing my first car boot sale last year, but in all honesty, it was a lot of fun and when I got home and realised I had made over £270 I was chuffed to bits.

Other means I have used is a local "Items For Sale" page on Facebook. I have sold a lot through this and I do like it because there is no cost to list the item or commission taken. Every penny is yours.

Like Sam I have also used Music Magpie to sell my sons' Playstation3, Wii and Nintendo DS games in the past along with DVDs and CDs. The money I made went towards their school activities week; which any parent knows are pretty darn expensive.

There's no point in hoarding all those items which are never going to see the light of day again. You can make a good profit and then go guilt-free shopping. What are you waiting for?

Here's what I am aiming to get with my pennies
kurt geiger sandals
Kurt Geiger leather sandals, £85

Teresa x

*Note: This is a sponsored post*