Thursday 25 April 2013

Thursday Treats - Homemade Nutella and 3 Ingredient Nutella Cookies

You know those days when you really, really can't be bothered to cook? They tend to coincide with aching limbs (hangovers people, hangovers), suitcases beneath the eyes and dreary grey skies.

Well, on those days, Nutella becomes my best friend.

In fact, I have been known to eat a whole jar of it. In minutes. Oh yes...

homemade nutella

Although I may pretend to be a fitness freak, secretly I love nothing more than snuggling under a blanket, spoon in hand, and diving head-first into Nutella. So when I discovered that you could actually make your own Nutella, which tastes even more amazing than the shop-bought stuff...well, let's just say I was in heaven that day.

Since I made up my first batch of Homemade Nutella, I've realised that I like to have a jar of it to-hand at all times. You know, just incase of chocolate emergencies, like...well. You just never know.

Honestly, this is so worth the effort. It tastes a million, billion times better than shop-bought (more of a hazelnut taste, more chocolatey) and it also happens to be wondrous on homemade bread, fresh out of the oven. Yum yum yum.

homemade chocolate spread

I have also discovered the wonder of 3 Ingredient Nutella Cookies...gooey, moist and chocolately, these are the easiest cookie you could ever hope to whip up. And I bet you have all the ingredients in your cupboard, right now.

If you need any further convincing that homemade Nutella is the way to go, look how happy it can make you:

nutella recipe

Who needs shop-bought when you can buy the real deal?

Sam x

P.S If anyone has any more Nutella recipes, hit me with them. I am a fully (non) reformed addict. 


homemade hazelnut recipe


220g roasted, skinless hazelnuts
120g icing sugar
40g cocoa powder (OR, if you want to be really decadent, 1 tbsp cocoa and 300g melted milk chocolate)
2 tbsps hazelnut oil
1tsp vanilla extract
Pinch of salt


1) Blitz the hazelnuts in a food processor until they start to form a smooth paste. This should take around 3 minutes. If you're using milk chocolate in your recipe (and really, why wouldn't you?!), melt it now...

2) While the processor is still going, slowly add in the other ingredients, mixing until well combined and glossy. Pour into an airtight jar, if you can resist it for that long...

nutella cookie, recipe

Alternatively, use it to make these 3 Ingredient Nutella Cookies, adapted from Butter Baking. A firm house favourite, I have made endless batches of these gooey cookies since I first discovered them!

For an extra chocolatey hit, why not sandwich a blob of Nutella between two dollops of cookie dough before baking? DIVINE.



280g Nutella
140g plain flour
One egg


1) Preheat the oven to 180 C, then grease and line two baking trays.

2) In a mixing bowl, mix together the Nutella and egg, then stir in the flour until well combined. Don't worry, the mixture is quite thick!

3) Using a teaspoon, roll the dough into balls, then dollop onto the prepared trays and flatten the cookies with the palm of your hand. Bake for 6 - 8 minutes.